Our Plumbing & Hydraulic Systems Guide is out now

15 August 2024

Introducing our newly released passive fire stopping Systems Guide tailored for Plumbing and Hydraulic services penetrating a variety of substrates. With tested and assessed systems conforming to AS1530.4 and AS4072.1 standards, the guide showcases solutions for steel pipes, plastic pipe systems, and other services across vertical and horizontal orientations.

From masonry and concrete to FR plasterboard and mineral wool panel walls, FIREFLY’s innovative products ensure effective fire treatment and protection in different substrates. For larger openings, our FIREFLYBatt systems provide the necessary fire treatment and restoration, offering a versatile solution for varying fire stopping needs in the Plumbing & Hydraulic industry.

We encourage everyone in the Plumbing and Hydraulic industry to check out our new guide plus sign up to FIREFLY PFP for mobile and desktop to access the full range of our fire stopping systems. Our team of experts is always available to assist with any queries or requirements you may have, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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