FIREFLY Cast-in Fire Collars are available in both a high and low profile, are made from a sturdy recycled PP, and include multiple fixing positions.
FIREFLY high cast in collars are engineered to minimise the labour involved in fire stopping plumbing pipe penetrations in on-site poured concrete floors. By affixing the base to the formwork on site, the plumbing pipe penetration is fully catered for with passive fire protection. This eliminates the necessity of post-pour core drilling of penetrations and retrofitting a fire collar. Once the floor is poured and the formwork removed, simply cut off the top of the cast in collar and install the pipe.
FIREFLY low cast-in collars are designed to suit 40-150 mm uPVC pipe penetrations. The low cast-in collar is installed in a similar manner to the high cast-in collar. The main difference with the low cast-in collar is that the pipe acts as the riser to the required height during the concrete pour. The pipe should be capped to prevent concrete entering the pipework during construction.
FIREFLY Cast-in Fire Collars are available in the following sizes:
Low Cast-in Collars
FCC-40L : 40 mm
FCC-50L : 50 mm
FCC-65L : 65 mm
FCC-80L : 80 mm
FCC-100L : 100 mm
High Cast-in Collars
FCC-50H : 50 mm
FCC-80H : 80 mm
FCC-100H : 100 mm
FCC-150H : 150 mm
Discover why FIREFLY’s Cast-in Fire Collars and Cast-in Floor Waste Collar Kits are the ultimate choice for plumbing pipe penetrations and floor waste applications in our latest video. Streamlined fire stopping and foolproof solutions await – watch now!
Tested to AS4072.1:2005 and AS1530.4:2014. Download a copy of our guide today or contact your Client Relationship Manager for a product demonstration or a copy of the FAS121361 RIR 1.2 report.
44 Gindurra Road, Somersby NSW 2250 Australia
+61 2 8004 3333